20 Life Lessons I’ve Learned


For my birthday back in August, I made a post about 20 things I’ve learned at 20 years old. Throughout my years, I’ve experienced and learned so much through inspirational people, books, and situations that provided invaluable life lessons. It was such an enlightening experience to write and reflect on what I’ve learned through the years. Here’s a quick list of all of the life lessons I’ve learned (so far).  

  1. Time truly passes by so fast

    Enjoy each moment as best you can. Many spiritual teachers have said, “Today is the most important day of your life!”

  2. Find a source of inspiration

    It could be a book, motivational speaker, or quotes, to lift you up when you’re feeling down or unmotivated.

  3. Whatever you’re worrying about now probably won’t matter in a little bit

    Give everything time, as time truly heals everything.

  4. Love yourself, and be confident in yourself

    There’s literally no point in being mean and unaccepting of yourself, it doesn’t get you anywhere. Remember your individual beauty and how lucky you are to be you!

  5. Your worth is not determined by others

    Judgement is inevitable and you can’t control what others think. You get to decide that you are worthy. The only validation you need is your own, so you might as well love yourself.

  6. Your health is everything

    Both physical and mental health; nourish yourself, drink water, destress, and sleep!!

  7. Your mom really does want what’s best for you 

    And in my case, she’s always right.

  8. Ask for help

    Ask for help when you need it, because you can't do everything all by yourself. Whether it’s asking for a mentor, advice, or just someone to support you.

  9. Have an abundance mindset

    Life is more enjoyable with an abundance mindset where you believe there is enough for everyone.

  10. Honor your connections with others

    They are the most important thing in life.

  11. Don't make assumptions or take things personally when someone is unkind to you

    Cultivate compassion for others. You never know what someone is going through and what might be making them act that way, which is in no way a reflection of you.

  12. Try to show kindness to as many people as you can

    A smile, greeting, or compliment might be just what someone needs to hear to brighten their day.

  13. You get to choose your response in every situation

    Event + response = outcome. This can turn a negative situation into a positive situation.

  14. Every mistake or failure provides a learning experience

    Try to view these challenges as opportunities to learn, grow, and ultimately better yourself.

  15. Don’t force things

    Whatever is meant to be will happen.

  16. Trust the process

    Everything that happens, even undesirable situations, eventually lead to something greater.

  17. Be grateful!

    It amazes me when I think of all of the blessings that most people, myself included, take for granted everyday. A loving family, a car, an education, enough money to live comfortably. You are surrounded by blessings everyday, and they can be hard to recognize until you see someone who doesn’t have them.

  18. Happiness is a state that comes from within you

    You have the ability to create happiness within yourself. It doesn’t come from anything external.

  19. All of the answers are inside of you

    Trust your intuition.

  20. Life happens for you, not to you

    - Ed Mylett


The Power of Gratitude & My Gratitude List