The Power of Gratitude & My Gratitude List


Anyone who knows me knows that I love to talk about gratitude. It’s one of the things that’s gotten me through this challenging year we’ve had. Amidst the quarantine, I personally dealt with anxiety and burnout, and broke down a few times from the surmounting pressure and stress. If you’re struggling, you aren’t alone.

But, after we break down, we always get back up and stay on the positive side. 

I always like to come back to gratitude and the simple blessings. A mindset focused on gratitude and appreciation is scientifically proven to make you feel happier. Practicing this mindset consistently makes it a habit, and creates lasting positivity. Essentially, the more you acknowledge your blessings, the more you will recognize them in your everyday life, and the easier and more frequently they will come your way. There are many ways to practice gratitude: you can have a gratitude journal, talk about your gratitude with others, or just be mindful and present in the moment. 

To show that there is still so much to be grateful for, no matter the current circumstances, here are some of my favorite moments of gratitude from 2020.

  • Getting to spend part of a semester with my girls at college

  • Hikes with my family

  • Laughing so hard until my stomach hurts

  • Going to the beach a lot (my favorite place on earth)

  • Exploring new places near me

  • Doing an internship (and getting published for the first time in a magazine!)

  • Conversations with really kind strangers I meet at work

  • Walks and insightful talks with my girls and my family

  • Endless life advice from my loved ones

  • Reading amazing books

  • Garnering inspiration and motivation from people to keep moving forward during this time

  • Starting my blog!

One more thing, I’m so grateful for YOU! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my work, I appreciate it and I <3 you so much. 


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