Overcoming Comparison


Our world is full of beautiful people doing amazing things -- and that can be used positively as inspiration, or it can be taken negatively and lead to comparison. 

You’ve probably heard of the quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” It’s so true, there’s always going to be someone who you may compare yourself with who you perceive to be more intelligent, wealthy, or pretty. 

Ed Mylett explains that all unhappiness is rooted in comparison. We’re not intrinsically unhappy when we see someone who is beautiful, wealthy, or living their best life. We’re only unhappy when we compare that to our personal situation if we’re unsatisfied with it.

Just to give an example from my personal life:

  • My hair is perpetually frizzy. 

  • I really don’t like my nose. 

  • My boobs are too small. 

  • Even after having braces, I’m still insecure about my smile. 

I digress. Clearly, I am still working on this myself. I feel like it's inevitable in our world. 

The thing is, focusing on what we dislike about ourselves and the negative thoughts that ensue only further contribute to the feeling that we won’t ever be successful, pretty, or smart enough.

At some point, you just have to let that go and focus on what you love about yourself. Life is way too short to be focusing on our perceived imperfections. Even though we can get really down on ourselves when we see people who are so perfect, the reality is that everyone has insecurities and struggles. We might as well try to love and empower ourselves (and others!)

A sage piece of advice that has stuck with me is that instead of using your time comparing yourself to others and feeling bad, use that energy to make yourself even better and work towards your goals. 

Compliment that person who is beautiful -- because so are you!

Congratulate the person who reached their goal -- because you can, too!

Be happy that someone is making money -- because you have the potential to become wealthy, too!

If you're not feeling good enough, remember your innate individuality. I promise that no one has the unique combination of traits, features, talents, and ambitions that you have. You have something special to offer the world; honor those passions and focus on what makes you wonderful!

Let’s all uplift and be kind ourselves and others! I would love for you to take a moment and acknowledge how AMAZING you are♡


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