21 Ways to Glow Up in 2021


This post is for my girls (and guys!) who want to make positive changes on the outside and inside. 

Just for context—before I took these steps, I was just an insecure little ballerina, and I wondered what I could do to be confident and beautiful like my friends. 

But, we all need to start somewhere, and it can only get better from where you are now! So, here are 21 things I did to improve on the inside and outside. I’m still on my journey, as self improvement is a continual process, but this is what I feel has helped me so far.

Let’s start with the physical changes:

  1. Start drinking more water

    This is the first step I took on my glow up journey and it made my skin look so much more hydrated. I aim for two to three 32-ounce bottles per day. I know this piece of advice is common knowledge at this point, but the power of drinking more water is real.

  2. Start a skincare routine

    Going off the previous point, when I started to drink more water and do a consistent skincare routine is when my skin finally started to clear up. (Obviously I still struggle with acne sometimes, but my skin is much clearer than it was before.)

  3. Focus on loving your body

    Throughout my eating disorder recovery I gained a lot of weight. Instead of trying to hide my body, I’ve learned to love and feel confident in the curvier body I’ve gained. It took time, but I honestly love my body so much more than I did when I weighed less. Curves are beautiful, my friends!

  4. Find a way to move that you love

    I also found exercise that worked for my body. I’ve tried all sorts of workouts: running, high intensity, traditional workout moves -- and I found these left me feeling drained. I love gentle, elegant workouts like yoga, ballet, pilates, P.volve, and just walking. These make me feel strong, energized, and connected to my body. Most importantly, I love my workout. I encourage you to move your body in a way that makes you feel good. 

  5. Take care of your smile

    This one is obvious, but brushing and flossing, tongue scraping, and whitening your teeth helps keep your smile looking beautiful, so smile more and take good care of those pearly whites!

  6. Embrace your inner goddess

    I used to be ashamed and shy away from becoming confident in this aspect of life until Gwen started to educate me about the importance of feeling empowered in yourself. Ladies: you are a fantasy, so I implore you to start acting like the goddess you are! If you want more on this, I highly suggest following my sister Gwen on Instagram, she is a great resource for sexual empowerment.

  7. Make time for self care

    A daily routine without self care is a sad and unsustainable routine. I decided to truly prioritize and make time for the practices that I love that can sometimes be put off. It could be a bath, splurging on something nice for myself, meditating, or going to bed early with a good book. Taking great care of yourself is not selfish, it’s essential!

  8. Get more sleep

    I used to struggle with sleep a lot. I have been able to improve my sleeping routine by turning off my phone, reading and relaxing before bed, and going to bed and waking up at around the same time each day, and it makes the biggest difference in how I feel.

  9. Get a silk pillowcase

    Silk pillowcases are good for you because they prevent wrinkles and keep your hair healthy. Plus they make you feel fancy!

Inside changes

I believe that the inside shifts are even more important than the outside shifts. Although it can take more time to make fundamental changes to your mindset, it will soon become your natural way of thinking and being. 

10. Be kind to others

Give compliments, help people, and uplift those around you. I recognized how easy it is to positively impact others, so I try to incorporate it as much as I can. Being kind also makes you glow.

11. Educate yourself

I think being intelligent is sexy. When I started college, I placed a much greater focus and importance on my academics, and have adopted the mindset of always learning something, which has been very beneficial for me. If you’re a student, embrace it!

12. Go to therapy

I have been seeing a therapist for years. It’s great as a check in every week and keeps me on track with my mental health. I also know so many people who have benefited greatly from therapy.

13. Don’t rely on external sources for validation

This is one I’m still working on, but I try to not rely on outside sources of validation and approval for happiness, because those sources can be ever changing and are out of your control. Rather, what we should try to do is find it within ourself and know that all the love that we need is within ourselves.

14. Start believing in yourself more

Truly acknowledging our worth and believing that we’re capable of achieving our goals is the first step. 

15. Read self improvement books

Books have truly been the impetus for my personal development journey, and they’re one of the greatest sources of inspiration. 

16. Focus on what you love about yourself

I used to focus only on my insecurities, but I choose to capitalize on what I love and what I see as my strengths, and then accept the rest. Confidence truly begins begins with self love.

17. Adopt an abundance mindset

I love this one. Believe that there is enough for everyone. Someone else’s beauty, success, or good fortune doesn’t take away from your own. This can certainly be super difficult to remember if we’re struggling, but we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by being optimistic.

18. Draw inspiration from others

I’m inspired by so many people; my beautiful friends and family, bloggers, musicians, authors, the list goes on. There’s endless inspiration out there that you can use to become your best self.

19. Surround yourself with amazing people

My friends and family truly inspire me so much, I owe it to them for always believing in me and loving me when I was struggling so much to love myself. They inspire me to be confident, kind, intelligent, peaceful, and the best version of myself. If you surround yourself with people who have the traits that you want to adopt, then you will be more likely to adopt those traits as well. 

20. Become more attuned to faith and spirituality

I have always been spiritual and religious, and I find that the more connected I feel to God, the Universe, whichever higher power you believe in, will give you even more faith and belief in yourself. 

21. Practice gratitude

I used to never practice gratitude except when we prayed before bed when I was younger. If you're new to gratitude and just want to jump right in, I suggest doing the 28 day gratitude challenge in “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne. I did it every day in the car on the way to treatment and even through that difficult time, it changed my life for the better and really solidified my grateful mindset.


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