My Best Advice for College

In honor of graduating next month, in this post I’ll be chatting all things college!


First, let’s talk about academics. I want to preface this by saying that your grades are not the end all be all, as experience definitely outweighs education on a resumé. But, having strong academics enables you to acquire that experience. It also shows your drive and motivation, which is attractive to employers and can help you secure that internship or job.

Ask for help

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness! I highly suggest getting a student tutor because they can align more with your perspective and make the information more understandable. I also love studying for exams and working on assignments with friends. This type of collaborative learning is helpful because we each may have a different understanding of the material and can teach each other tricks for remembering the information.

Create a schedule

Creating a schedule for homework and studying is integral to staying organized and managing all of your classes. What works for me is to make a list of my assignments from highest to lowest priority. Set aside a specific time on your calendar that you’re going to work on schoolwork, then GSD! Also, eliminate distractions during this time that you've dedicated to doing schoolwork. (Admittedly, this is something I’m still working on!)


Know your learning style

Sometimes, reading a textbook just doesn’t work and we need a different way of learning the material. If you’re an auditory learner, I recommend looking up the audiobook or a summary on youtube or Audible. It’s amazing how this can increase comprehension! I find it also helps to know your style when it comes to completing assignments. You can either start with the hardest assignment and get it out of the way, or you can start with a small win and complete an easier assignment to build momentum. It’s all up to you and what works the best for you.

Don’t procrastinate

I know procrastination and cramming at the last minute is common practice, but if you’re like me, it just doesn’t work; I can never do my best work under pressure. I know for a few people that pressure allows them to perform their best, so definitely do what works the best for you, but I recommend to get a head start on your assignments whenever possible. 


Use your resources

As a college student you have so many resources available to help you succeed: your academic and faculty advisors, professors, career counselors, and more. This is something I always point out when I give a tour of my university, and it’s true for any college. I implore you to utilize these resources, I promise they will help so much!  

Set goals

All of the aforementioned resources can help you make a plan to achieve your goals. Your advisor can help with starting that process, professors can connect you with people in your field, and the career center can help with your resumé, internship opportunities, and much more.

Get an internship

Internships are so beneficial because they give you an opportunity to gain valuable experience and practice skills in a work environment. This past summer, I was able to acquire my first editorial experience at a local magazine by the recommendation of my professor. I was nervous to reach out to the company, but I’m so glad I did! You can look for internship opportunities online, or if you know an organization, just reach out to them. People will always welcome extra help!

Stay healthy


You don’t have to exercise for hours every day, but I find integrating movement (even just a quick stretch break) really energizes me after hours of doing schoolwork. It’s totally up to you if you want to do yoga in your room, go to the gym, or go outside for a walk. Just start by moving for a few minutes a day, and build upon that.

Have healthy snacks in your room

I recommend having your own healthy snacks in your room just in case you get hungry and are too busy to run out. I like to have things that are super quick and easy like granola bars, dark chocolate, oatmeal, fruit, veggies, and hummus.

Keep your hygiene up and do self care

Don’t forget your self care! Shower every day, pamper yourself, exfoliate, shave your legs, put on perfume, put on makeup if you want -- do everything you want to feel beautiful and confident. 

Relationships and sexual health

This is a convergence of health and social life, and I’m definitely not an expert on relationships or sexual health, but if I could give some advice, I think it’s really important to surround yourself with people who make you feel amazing! If someone doesn’t make you feel good or doesn’t respect your boundaries (this goes for whether it’s a friend or romantic partner), then it’s okay to peacefully separate yourself from them.

Social life

Be yourself!

I know “be yourself” is very cliché. However, in practice it can actually be super hard to do. I encourage you to be who you naturally are, and you’ll naturally attract like-minded people. For instance, I’m a very bubbly and energetic person naturally. Some people just don’t prefer that, and that’s okay! When we find people that we genuinely align with, it benefits both people because we’re able to positively impact each other’s lives.

Lean on friends

You’ll meet so many friends in college, and through the years you will find those people who support your best self and are there for you no matter what. My best friends motivate me in numerous ways every day--to be kind, elegant, confident, spontaneous, and they provide endless inspiration! We also lift each other up when we’re having a good day, and are there for each other when we’re crying and having a bad day. Find those friends that will be there for you through thick and thin. And if you haven’t found them yet, there is a person waiting for someone like you to come into their life!

Get involved

I recommend getting involved to truly feel connected to your college. This also allows you to gain valuable experience for your resumé, make friends, and even make money all at the same time! You can get involved in a club, sport, or an on-campus job. I recognize that this is an extra commitment in addition to classes and any other extracurriculars you may have, but I promise it will be worth it and you’ll be so glad you did it!


Your mindset is one of the main determining factors for happiness and success. In college, I decided to shift to a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief and self confidence that you can improve and succeed. Even if it’s difficult at first, keep telling yourself these positive thoughts and soon they will become a natural part of your mindset. After adopting a growth mindset, I was amazed at the changes it had within me, and I believe it will open your eyes to how much you can achieve. 

Keep moving forward!

This coincides with having a growth mindset, but I encourage you to just keep going, no matter what. There are going to be times when you fail, but don’t let that define you, just keep moving forward.


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