Gwen on Investing In Yourself and Advice for New Entrepreneurs

Over the past few years, it’s been so amazing to see my beautiful sister Gwen’s growth in her business and personal life.  Seeing her blossom into the most confident and authentic version of herself has made me so immensely proud and inspired.

Before we get into Gwen’s advice, I wanted to tell you about what inspired this post. 

Let’s take it back to earlier this fall:

Gwen and I were driving to the airport on a Friday morning. I was admiring her tan skin and sunkissed blonde hair; it was clear she was traveling to Miami for her birthday vacation. 

Her glossy pink nails tapped on her phone as she queued up some Amy Winehouse. The subdued melodies aptly matched the cloudy, misty weather. 

On the drive, we chatted about business, investing in yourself, and goals for the future. She gave me sisterly advice in her calm and confident voice. She was just doing what she loved: helping others with her innate wisdom. So, I wanted her to share her expertise with you all.

Emma: How did you know when to make the transition from working a full time job and doing your business on the side, to becoming a full-time entrepreneur?

Gwen: I was working my full time job from home during the pandemic. I was lucky enough to have a job that wasn’t too time consuming, so I had time to do tarot readings and work on my business on my breaks. The moment I realized I needed to go full time with my business was when I felt like I was dreading my day job. There was nothing wrong with the work, it was just how I felt about it. It got to a point where it was clear as day that now was the time to leave. I did a tarot reading about it, too, which confirmed what I already knew -- that I would continue to feel how I felt if I stayed at my job, and that it would open up a world of freedom and possibility if I quit my job. All of those factors combined led to my decision to become a full time entrepreneur. 

E: What mindsets or strategies helped you to take your business to that next level?

G: First, thinking about what business model I want to have, and working backward to figure that out. I pivoted my business model to more courses and packages so I can serve my clients better, and make a consistent income. I also used a balance of different marketing strategies, like various social media channels to promote content, creating a community with my followers, being part of online communities myself, and collaborating with other creators to make valuable content and help each other grow.

E: What advice do you have for people just starting out?

G: Invest in the right coaches, courses, and expertise. It’s perfectly okay to experiment, but I think it’s important to know how to do things right the first time. Also, listen to your intuition, because that will help you go in the right direction: whether it's a strategic risk, or playing it safe for a little bit before you make the leap.

E: How do you like to invest in yourself?

G: For business, I invest in courses, because that allows me to put myself in the room of people I want to be like, and to grow as a person and entrepreneur. Investing in my own image, like my hair and nails, helps me to feel confident and show up as the best version of myself. Also, I love traveling for creative and spiritual inspiration because it pours right back into my work. My business and personal lives are separate, but also so intertwined, because when I invest in myself, I'm also investing in my business.

E: How do you practice self care, and how do you make time for it when you’re so busy?

G: I like to practice my self care both on a small scale and a larger scale. For me, self care can be big things like the cross-country road trip I just went on. Because I work from home, when I'm in a different physical location, it really allows me to disconnect from working and have an extended, luxurious, and enlightening self care experience. Daily self care practices can actually be challenging to fit in sometimes, but I like to have time with friends, do tarot readings for myself, and do purely joyful things like watching movies and going on nature walks. I really think it’s all about balance and prioritizing your happiness and peace.

Thank you all so much for reading. Make sure to follow Gwen on Instagram to keep up with her!


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